2 e-biodiversity PhD positions

The University of Salento has just opened a call to select two PhD positions on e-biodiversity (Tutor Prof. Basset). 

The call is directed to both Italian and English speaking candidates, and is available on Univeristy of Salento’s website (or downoload teh call here).

Please consider the attachement H and positions 3 and 4. 

The call will close on 3 August 2015.

For more information, please contact Prof. Basset.

Opening of BIOforIU

On Friday 15 May 2015, the reserach facilities built in the framework of the BIOforIU project were inaugurated in the University of Salento.
Many the links with the LifeWatch’s Service Centre, in particular concerning the e-Biodiversity Research Centre, one of the six facilities hosted in Lecce.
Have a look to our video and brochures and discover the many opportunities for scientific cooperation.

The LifeWatch Marine VRE

The LifeWatch Marine Virtual Research Environment (VRE) portal has just been launched, bringing together several marine resources, data bases, data systems, web services, tools, etc. into one marine virtual research environment (VRE). 
This portal can be considered as a first bottom-up development demonstrating potential and capability emulating the LifeWatch objectives. 

The Marine VRE allows researchers to retrieve and access data resources holding marine biodiversity and ecosystem data, a range of data systems on species names, traits, distribution and genes. 

A set of online tools is available to facilitate data analysis of marine biodiversity and ecosystem data, and analysis can be performed on data from known data resources and/or data uploaded by the users themselves. Should a researcher need a specifically adapted service, the Marine VRE gives the possibility to build his/her own marine virtual lab, making use of the web services that access and process data.

Service catalogues and ‘how to’ manuals will guide the users during the development of their own system. The Marine VRE is already looking to the future, working to further increase the integration and interaction between its components. 

Visit http://marine.lifewatch.eu/ and find out more about its features and services.