EU-LAC ResInfra Plus has brought together a wide and comprehensive consortium of 20 crucial partners from the EU and LAC countries. The main goal of the EU-LAC ResInfra Plus project is to enhance the bi-regional collaboration between the European Union and the Latin American Caribbean countries, to prove the importance of Research Infrastructures in boosting the Research and Development activities.
The project includes a balanced mix of governmental representatives responsible for the development of RIs policies at national level, RTD funding agencies from EU countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and Spain) and LAC countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Peru and Uruguay,) as well as a consolidated group of European RIs: Instruct-ERIC, LifeWatch-ERIC, RICAP and MIRRI-ERIC.
LifeWatch ERIC’s role is pivotal in fostering a bi-regional partnership that enhances scientific research and innovation, supporting both European and Latin American researchers in addressing critical environmental challenges, contributing to the project by leveraging its advanced ICT tools and e-Science capabilities.