Assemble Plus Conference 2022 – Marine biological research at the frontier

Assemble Plus Conference

Online, 13–24 June 2022.

Participate in the Assemble Plus Conference 2022 – “Marine biological research at the frontier” which will take place online between 13 and 24 June 2022. The conference is organised by the Assemble Plus project partnered by a network of marine stations and institutes led by EMBRC ERIC – the European Marine Biological Resource Centre

The conference will include keynote speakers, invited lectures by Assemble Plus users, match making with industry, service/technology demonstrations and workshops.  

We strongly encourage you to follow the event and please feel free to spread the word among your circles. This is an opportunity for researchers, academia, industry and policymakers, to be connected and share experiences, knowledge and a chance to establish partnerships. 

“ASSEMBLE 2022 – Marine biological research at the frontier” will showcase recent developments in marine biology and ecology; state-of-the-art technologies available at marine stations and institutes; how to access biological resources and marine research infrastructure; how to improve services provided by marine stations; knowledge transfer to industry, and sustainability of research infrastructures.  

Registration is open until 6 June 2022.

SOS Proteus 2022

SOS Proteus 2022

Trieste, Italy, 21–22 May 2022.

The 4thSOS Proteus” international meeting is dedicated to the conservation of the olm and its habitat, faced with climate challenges, and the 260th anniversary of the first scientific description of Proteus anguinus by Joannes Antonius Scopoli.
Experts on olms, speleobiology, karstology, water quality, herpetology, conservation and public outreach are invited to give a short lecture or poster to present their experiences, methods and solutions, and/or to participate in the discussion within topics of the two-day meeting:

  • Conservation status of olms and subterranean fauna, groundwater and karst
  • New methods and conservation actions, best practice and public outreach
  • Climate change challenges in groundwater ecosystems
  • Negative anthropogenic pressures in karst landscape, emergency responses, action plans
  • Veterinary challenges in conservation of Proteus

The meeting opens on 20 May 2022 and will continue for two more days, organised in partnership with the Speleovivarium Trieste, Speleological Society Adriatic, Natural History Museum Trieste, Municipality of Trieste, and Tular Cave Laboratory (LifeWatch Slovenia), under the patronage of the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, European Commission, Italian Speleological Society, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Regional Speleological Federation F.V.G., and Supported by CRTrieste Fundation.

Registration for SOS Proteus 2022 closed on 30 April 2022 but you can follow the Conference online:

21 May 2022 – watch the streaming

22 May 2022 round table ‘E-Science and open science to address challenges in conservation of Proteus‘ – watch the streaming

You can view the full programme below:

Green Week 2022

EU Green Week

Brussels + online, 30 May–5 June 2022.

EU Green Week is an annual opportunity to debate European environmental policy with policymakers, leading environmentalists and stakeholders from Europe and beyond. This year’s edition focuses on the European Green Deal – the EU’s sustainable and transformative growth strategy for a resource-efficient and climate-neutral Europe by 2050.

EU Green Week 2022 will take place from 30 May to 5 June 2022. The main hybrid event on 31 May puts three important aspects of the transformation in the spotlight – circular economy, zero pollution, and biodiversity. Throughout the week, partner events will be taking place across Europe and beyond.

Green Week 2022 Session 3 – Biodiversity – Nature Restoration Targets

The Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 recognises that to halt climate change and to build a world resilient and fit for the future, it is essential that our living world is protected and restored. A key element of this plan is the proposal for an EU nature restoration law – setting for the first time a legal framework to restore degraded ecosystems across the whole EU and across all key ecosystems on land and at sea.

The session will explore the multiple benefits we gain from healthy ecosystems, and will look at how they can be realised through restoration actions. The main questions to the panellist will be: Can we afford not to take urgent action now at the national and international level? What is the cost of action versus cost of non-action? What are the sources of funding available?

  • biodiversity
  • 31 May 2022, 12:00 CEST – 31 May 2022, 13:00 CEST
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Live streaming available

NEOBIOTA 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions


Tartu, Estonia, 12–16 September 2022.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Biological Invasions in a Changing World”. Biological Invasions are one of the main direct drivers of biodiversity loss worldwide. They pose rapidly growing threat to biodiversity, ecosystem services, sustainable development and human well-being. The challenge of halting biodiversity loss and facing this problem is more and more critical under the circumstances of climate change and it is more than appropriate to discuss these topics together again in the course of another NEOBIOTA conference.

The main organiser of the NEOBIOTA conference is Estonian Naturalists’ Society that was founded in 1853 and is associating scientists, researchers and nature enthusiasts from various fields: botany, ornithology, entomology, forestry, anthropology, theriology, malacology, ecology, geology, mycology, nature education, citizen science, etc. The main purpose of the ENS is to integrate professional and amateur scientists, and people interested in nature, with the purpose to facilitate exploration of Estonian nature, promoting nature protection and education in Estonia, and popularising results of scientific research. The ENS’s network of trustees all over Estonia allows conducting observations and the application of collected data in scientific research. The Society’s primary work formats are organising scientific studies, conferences, seminars and discussions, tours and nature observations, and carrying out projects for studying nature and on environmental education. The Society publishes both scientific and popular science books, as well as periodical publications, one of the purposes of which is to develop Estonian-language terminology. ENS’s headquarters is situated in Tartu.

Tartu is a city with around 100,000 inhabitants and  known as a student city which means a lot of young and sophisticated people working and enjoying life here. Tartu lies on the shores of the beautiful River Emajõgi. There are a plenty of accommodation options with reasonable prices in the city not to mention various opportunites for leisure time in and around Tartu. All kind of useful information about Tartu and Tartu County is available on the official tourism site Visit Tartu.

Contact: neobiota[@]

World Biodiversity Forum

World Biodiversity Forum

Davos Con­gress Cen­tre, Switzer­land. 26 June – 1 July 2022.

Un­der the theme In­spi­ra­tion for Ac­tion, the sec­ond World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum will bring to­geth­er re­searchers across all dis­ci­plines of bio­di­ver­si­ty sci­ence with prac­ti­tion­ers and so­ci­etal ac­tors in a fo­rum that of­fers in­spi­ra­tion and ex­am­ples for ac­tions and so­lu­tions to con­serve bio­di­ver­si­ty, and set us on a path to­wards trans­for­ma­tion for sus­tain­abil­i­ty.

World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum 2022 is or­gan­ised as a hy­brid event, with the in-per­son meet­ing tak­ing place at Davos Con­gress Cen­tre, Switzer­land.

The World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum val­ues the di­ver­si­ty of views, opin­ions and ex­per­tise re­flect­ed with­in the par­tic­i­pants of the meet­ing. Read our de­tailed Code of Con­duct here.

Down­load the con­fer­ence an­nounce­ment here.

ICOS Science Conference 2022

ICOS Science Conferece 2022

Utrecht & online, 13–15 September 2022.

The 5th ICOS Science Conference will be organised in Utrecht (TivoliVredenburg event venue) and online around the world. The conference will run from Tuesday 13 – Thursday 15 September, 2022. The overall, overarching theme of the conference is “Tracking progress to carbon neutrality”.

Important dates

07.02.2022 – Abstract submission opens
11.04.2022 – Abstract submission closes at 11.00 am CEST 
05.2022 – Registration opens
13-15.09.2022 – ICOS Science Conference 


EOSC Future HPC Webinar

HPC Webinar

Online, 7 June 2022.

Starting in February 2022, EOSC Future (one of the projects in which LifeWatch ERIC is currently involved) will organise ‘ask me anything’ webinars.

On the first Tuesday of every month, participants will have the chance to ask questions about a variety of EOSC services and resources.

During these exclusive Q&A sessions, resources and resource categories available on the EOSC platform will be presented, discussed and, in some cases, tested out.

The session on HPC (High-Power Computing) will take place online from 14.00-15.00 CEST.

Ask me anything about…

The EOSC Future ‘ask me anything’ webinars aim to encourage uptake among users as well as show potential service providers how their resources could be featured through EOSC.

For each session, EOSC community members, experts and project coordinators will present an EOSC resource. As needed, there will be a demonstrative use case to show how a specific type of resource can be accessed and used via the platform. For all webinars, particular emphasis will be placed on answering any and all questions from the audience.


Register here for the HPC webinar.

Visit the EOSC Future website for updates on upcoming webinar topics and dates.

EOSC Future Aggregators and Integrators Webinar

Integrators Aggregators Webinar

Online, 3 May 2022.

Starting in February 2022, EOSC Future (one of the projects in which LifeWatch ERIC is currently involved) will organise ‘ask me anything’ webinars.

On the first Tuesday of every month, participants will have the chance to ask questions about a variety of EOSC services and resources.

During these exclusive Q&A sessions, resources and resource categories available on the EOSC platform will be presented, discussed and, in some cases, tested out.

The session on aggregators and integrators will take place online from 14.00-15.00 CEST.

Ask me anything about…

The EOSC Future ‘ask me anything’ webinars aim to encourage uptake among users as well as show potential service providers how their resources could be featured through EOSC.

For each session, EOSC community members, experts and project coordinators will present an EOSC resource. As needed, there will be a demonstrative use case to show how a specific type of resource can be accessed and used via the platform. For all webinars, particular emphasis will be placed on answering any and all questions from the audience.


Register here for the aggregators and integrators webinar.

Visit the EOSC Future website for updates on upcoming webinar topics and dates.



Belgian Coast, Belgium, 8 May 2022.

The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), coordinator of the LifeWatch Belgium consortium, is organising – together with Natuurpunt, SciVil, Iedereen Wetenschapper and EOS Magazine and many other organisations – the first citizen science festival of the Belgian coast: ZEEKERWETEN. It is a LifeWatch Belgium initiative.

During this open-air event, citizens can discover the biodiversity of the Belgian coastal region. Together with experts, they learn tricks and tools to make the invisible life at sea, on the beach, in the dunes and elsewhere on the coast visible. By doing that, they get the chance to become a real citizen scientist.

A surprising and fascinating day for young and old, moving scientific knowledge to a higher level!

Check the practical details and the program on (Dutch only).

Several LifeWatch Flanders colleagues will host interesting stands with fun hands-on activities.

Start/End: Sunday, May 8, 2022 – 10:00 to 16:00

Open Science Conference 2022

Open Science Conference

8 – 10 March 2022, Online.

LifeWatch ERIC CEO Christos Arvanitidis will be presenting at the online Open Science Conference with a presentation entitled “Science Cluster Projects in EOSC Future project: A turning point towards the synthetic knowledge by the scientific communities using the EOSC Infrastructure”.

The presentation provides the framework of activities of the Science Cluster Projects in the project EOSC Future. Five Science Clusters come with ten Science Projects which target to current societal challenges (e.g. COVID-19 and Climate Change impacts) and implement a multidisciplinary and cross-domain approach by taking part in the making and using the next-generation Infrastructure of EOSC. This approach attempts to bring down current barriers between scientific disciplines and domains and bring different scientific communities to work together by using the new attributes of the EOSC Infrastructure. The challenges, practices and solutions theses Science Projects are facing are discussed.

Register here.