LifeWatch ERIC Scientific Community Meeting

Rome, Italy, 27–29 May 2019. LifeWatch ERIC will hold its first Scientific Community Meeting Event, aiming at gathering the scientific Community of scientists and developers to boost discussion on the most promising lines of scientific development. The three key themes are: a) Biodiversity and Ecosystem Theory; b) Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning and Services; c) Data Analysis, Modelling and Disruptive Technologies.

Moreover, LifeWatch ERIC wants to identify the major scientific gaps to be addressed over the next decade. It will highlight key societal challenges that biodiversity and ecosystem science must address, proposing nature-based approaches for natural resource managers and decision-makers.

Working sessions will follow the Plenaries, with the aim of promoting user community involvement. In turn, LifeWatch can understand their needs in terms of services and VRE developments, to facilitate and support their research.

More information is available on our minisite:

International Summer School Data FAIRness

Lecce, Italy, 1–5 July 2019. The International Summer School Data FAIRness in Environmental and Earth science infrastructures: theory and practice is offered in conjunction with ENVRIPlus and focuses on modern semantic approaches to properly describing and interrelating different data sources in ways that reduce barriers to data discovery, integration, and exchange among biodiversity and ecosystem resources and researchers.

In recent years, one of the major challenges in Environmental and Earth Science has been managing and searching larger volumes of data, collected across multiple disciplines. Many different standards, approaches, and tools have been developed to support the phases of the Data Lifecycle (Data Acquisition, Data Curation, Data Publishing, Data Processing and Data Use). This five-day summer school concentrates on the specific Data FAIRness phase in Environmental and Earth sciences.

The course gathers together what are considered to be the most interesting perspectives of our time, to offer a cutting edge and high-quality programme, aimed at fostering a rich and lively intellectual exchange.

European Marine Biology Symposium

Dublin, Ireland, 25-29 August, 2019.  This year’s EMBS will be hosted by University College Dublin, in the state-of-the-art O’Brien Centre for Science.

The social programme will provide opportunities to sample the the city’s famous cultural life and explore the UNESCO Dublin Bay Biosphere.

2019 is the International Year of the Salmon, a fish that has a special place in the mythology of Ireland. Look out for salmon throughout the scientific and social programme.

The symposium themes are Blue growth, Rapid change, Movement and redistribution of species, and Fundamental biological traits. For more information click here.

ISEM 2019

alzburg, Austria, 1-5 October 2019. The 22nd biennial global conference of the International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM), will take place in the Salzburg Congress Centre the first week in October.

Under the theme of eco:model:spaces,  this international gathering will bring together scientists from all professions and applications that deal with the use of ecological models and systems ecology. 

First Dahlem-type Workshop

Seville, Spain, 14-18 October, 2019.

The LifeWatch ERIC Internal Joint Initiative starts with its 1st Dahlem-type Workshop on current and future challenges of Non-indigenous and Invasive Species (NIS)  in Europe,

LifeWatch ERIC needs to boost its construction and to engage users in developing their research activities into the Virtual Research Environments of the e-Science Infrastructures, by clearly demonstrating and documenting the added value these new technologies bring to address challenging hot topics.

LifeWatch ERIC has started an Internal Joint Initiative with the exact aim of addressing these needs and reinforcing the positioning of LifeWatch ERIC within the biodiversity and ecosystem scientific community. Non-indigenous and Invasive Species has been selected as the subject for the demonstration cases.


Leiden, The Netherlands, 21-25 October, 2019, Biodiversity_Next is a conference that brings together, for the first time at this scale, major international organisations, research scientists, and policy makers to jointly identify socio-technical bottlenecks and horizon-scan opportunities around data-intensive biodiversity and geodiversity research.

Biodiversity_Next aims at:

  • Promoting innovation in biodiversity & geodiversity information science and applications;
  • Sharing and enhancing community data standards and information management practices;
  • Improving domain reach to new audiences (incl. scientific, policy and industry);
  • Inspiring new generations to more enthusiastically embark on data-intensive science around bio- and geo-diversity;
  • Building community consensus on pivotal technical and sociocultural aspects of the community practices.

More information on

LifeWatch Belgium Users & Stakeholders Meeting

Users & Stakeholders Meeting

Brussels, Belgium, 19-20 November 2019. Get ready for two days of networking and collaboration at the LifeWatch Belgium Users & Stakeholders Meeting at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences!

During Day 1 (19/11), which will be open to all users and stakeholders of the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure, a multitude of interesting user stories will showcase the individual projects that are going on and the immense progress LifeWatch Belgium is making. Furthermore, we are honoured to welcome LifeWatch CEO, Christos Arvanitidis, to this event!

Day 2 (20/11) will be an extended project meeting with the Belgian LifeWatch partners, and will be by invitation only. This meeting will focus on discussing internal affairs concerning LifeWatch Belgium, input towards the upcoming LifeWatch General Assembly and closer collaboration between the ongoing LifeWatch projects in Belgium.

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)
Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussels

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 – 09:30 to Wednesday, November 20, 2019 – 16:00


Second Dahlem-type Workshop

Rome, Italy, 2-6 December 2019. 

The second Dahlem-Type workshop will focus on the technical implementation of those e-tools relevant for the validation cases agreed during the first workshop held in Seville.

The workshop will have two phases:

02-04/12/2019 | ICT technical meeting

05-06/12/2019 | Joint Discussion between ICT and Validation Cases experts

Online registrations are closed.

EuroLag 9 2020

EuroLag 9

Venice, Italy, 20-24 January 2020. The EuroLag 9 International conference is devoted to science, research and management issues related to lagoons and transitional areas, The 2020 conference is appropriately located in Venice. 

The venue – the Scuola Grande di San Marco, founded in 1260 – is located in the heart of the old city and will only hold a maximum of 200 people, and registrations close on 15 December. 

The conference is organised by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR) of the Italian National Research Council, the Consortium for Lagoon Research (Corila), and the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari. The five days of themed sessions and poster events on coastal lagoon science will be complemented by special guided visits to Venice and an exclusive, private (no tourists!) visit to San Marco Basilica prior to the conference dinner. 

Because of the limitations of space, organisation of meetings with international colleagues from all over the world is recommended either before (18-19 January) or after (25-26 January) the conference. Click here for the conference website and here for programme details.

Maritime Industry Workshop

Maritime Industry Workshop

Ostend, Belgium, 23 January 2020. The LifeWatch team at VLIZ welcomes delegates from various companies in the maritime industry sector to get introduced to LifeWatch marine activities and services.

As valorization towards industry is considered an important aspect of the project, a Maritime Industry Advisory Board will be installed to advise the project on existing data gaps and future valorization opportunities towards the sector.

All potential industry stakeholders are welcome to this event. Prior registration is required. Register here.

14:00: Introduction LifeWatch marine observations, sensor networks and data systems / Introductie LifeWatch mariene observaties, meetnetwerken en data systemen
15:00: Presentation use cases of LifeWatch services, data and expertise / Voorstelling use cases van gebruik LifeWatch services, data en expertise
15:30: Introduction to the  LifeWatch Maritime Industry Advisory Board (MIAB) / Introductie tot de LifeWatch Maritime Industry Advisory Board (MIAB)
16:00: First discussion regarding expectations and approach MIAB / Eerste discussie mbt verwachtingen en invulling MIAB
16:30: Reception / Receptie.

Venue: InnovOcean Site, Wandelaarkaai 7, 8400 Oostende, Belgium.

Time & date: Thursday, 23 January, 2020 – 14:00 to 17:00. Please refer to the webpage.