GEO Week 2021

GEO Week 2021

Online, 22–26 November 2021. GEO has been focused on the use of Earth observations (EO) for environmental and societal impact for many years, however this year is one of the most important with major milestones linked to global policy agendas. The United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, is the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), there is also the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP15, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. These all bring a new set of challenges and opportunities for the international EO community. During GEO Week 2021, we will present the multidisciplinary activities of the GEO Work Programme that address these areas. Notably through the lens of nexus thinking to highlight how the use of EO in different sectors contributes to these efforts and why integration across thematic areas is essential.

This online event will include the GEO-17 Plenary, anchor sessions and side events, as well as a youth track and an industry track. Time will be scheduled each day for virtual networking. The 56th Executive Committee will be held as a closed meeting on Monday 22 November.

GEO-17 Plenary

The GEO-17 Plenary Session will be held 23–26 November.


Plenary sessions will be broadcasted live and the session recordings will be made available afterwards. We hope to receive all delegation nominations before the start of Plenary-17.

Anchor Sessions and Side Events

These virtual, interactive events will take place throughout the week and aim to address the various aspects of the GEO work programme, as well as the nexus possibilities across activities. Recordings of the sessions will be made available on the GEO website. Side events are now closed.


Member statements will be made available on the GEO Week website on 23 November. The call for statements was published in July 2021.

Session descriptions

Opening Session: The first part of the GEO Week where all attendees will be provided with an overview of all planned activities, including welcome speeches and a keynote speech to set the tone for the week.

Plenary Sessions: Under the banner of Accelerating Action in GEO, a series of sessions will look at the GEO Work Programme, in particular progress on the GEO Engagement Priorities and the activities of the GEO Working Groups.

Anchor Sessions: These are the main events designed by GEO week 2021 organisers to explain the multidisciplinary nature of GEO through the concept of nexus thinking. Working on multiple topics simultaneously is essential in today’s rapidly changing environmental and social conditions. For example, work in one area will have a knock-on effect or impact in another area, including synergies and trade-offs. These events are linked to the global policy agendas that underpin most of GEO’s work.

Side Events: The side events highlight the activities of the GEO community engaged in the GEO work programme,including progress since the last meetings and plans for the upcoming period. Each session will last 50 minutes.

Virtual Networking: Breaks between sessions will provide an opportunity for attendees to meet and discuss GEO Week topics. This networking will take place in a separate, dedicated room.

More information here.

SFE2, GFÖ & EEF Joint Meeting

Metz Ecology & Evolution

Metz, France, 21–25 November 2022. During the last century, a period now known as the Anthropocene, ecologists and evolutionists alerted the Society to several major environmental crises such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution of the environment. In response, scientists throughout the world have joined forces to not only identify and explain these phenomena but to develop tools that may help to solve these major environmental issues! However, there remain many open questions related to new challenges, new perspectives, and possibly new solutions, all of which need to be discussed within the scientific community and between scientists and policy makers. 

We propose to gather with you, the acting scientists in the field of ecology and evolution, at the SFE2-GfÖ-EEF joint meeting “Ecology & Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges“. It is being organised by the LIEC (University of Lorraine, CNRS) and other labs in northeastern France working in the fields of ecology and evolution. We anticipate a large gathering of scientists, cutting edge researchers, science policy makers, and leading teachers from Europe and elsewhere.

Click here for more information.

RDA 18th Plenary Meeting

RDA 18th Plenary Meeting

Online, 3–11 Novembre 2021. As communicated in late May, International Data Week 2021 (IDW), planned to take place this November, was postponed to 20-23 June 2022 due to the continuing global COVID-19 crisis and aftermath. RDA has decided, however, to still hold the RDA 18th Plenary Meeting in a virtual format from 3–11 November 2021.

More information here.

Programme now available.

European Researchers’ Night

European Researchers' Night

Seville, Spain, 24 September 2021. LifeWatch ERIC CEO Dr Arvanitidis and CTO Dr González-Aranda will explain the SUMHAL Project alongside Andalusian Delegate of CSIC, Dr Paneque, in the “LifeWatch” area of Plaza de San Francisco at 19:00 CEST. Check out the European Commission’s page on the European Researchers’ Night to see what is going on near you!

AGU Fall Meeting

AGU Fall Meeting

New Orleans, USA / online, 13-17 December 2021.

The AGU Fall Meeting is the primary  gathering for Earth and space scientists, students, and those in affiliated fields to share scientific findings  and  identify innovative solutions. With in-person and worldwide online participation, attendees will have numerous opportunities to network with government regulators,  scientific visionaries, and industry thought-leaders. Join our diverse community in New Orleans and Online Everywhere.

LifeWatch Biodiversity Day 2021

LifeWatch Biodiversity Day

Ghent, Belgium, 28 October 2021.

Venue: VAC (Virginie Lovelinggebouw), Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 70, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.

Join us on 28 October 2021 for the first LifeWatch Biodiversity Day, a new inspiring event on biodiversity. This year’s theme is biologging and camera trapping: a technology that changed the world of animal research. #LifeWatchBD21

Please see the LifeWatch Belgium website for further information.

XXX° Rassegna del mare | 30th Festival of the Sea

Rassegna del mare 2021

Gallipoli, Italy, 21–24 October 2021. The 30th edition of the Festival of the Sea (XXX° Rassegna del mare), “Recognition & protection of the sea and marine resource management” will be held in the Sala Ennagonale of Gallipoli’s Castello Angioino at the end of October, featuring presentations from LifeWatch ERIC staff.

ENVRI Community International School 2021: Services for FAIRness

Services for FAIRness

Online, 27 September – 8 October 2021.

Organised by ENVRI-FAIR and LifeWatch ERIC, the ENVRI Community International School is at its fourth edition, having established itself as an unmissable opportunity to learn about FAIRness in the framework of Research Infrastructures. Having gone into depth on data FAIRness and data management during previous editions, this year the School will focus on Services for FAIRness, from their design to their development and publication.

For further information, regarding the programme, trainers and more, please visite our dedicated minsite.

Do you want to know more about the School?

Check out the previous editions at the following links:

2020 ENVRI Community International Winter School on DATA FAIRness

2019 ENVRI Community International Summer School on DATA FAIRness

2018 ENVRI International Summer School “Data Management in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: Theory & Practice”

COP26 – Uniting the World to Tackle Climate Change

"The climate has no borders" over the image of the top half of the Earth, in the style designed for COP26.

Glasgow, 1–12 November 2021. The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow. The COP26 summit, organised in partnership with Italy, will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Convention on Climate Change.

The United Kingdom is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26. There are concrete suggestions on how people can get involved in preparations. Italy will be hosting a number of key preparatory events such as a Youth Event and the Pre-COP Summit, which will be held in Milan from 30 September – 2 October 2021. See here for updates from the Italian Ministry of the Environment.