International Forum on Agroecosystem Living Labs


Montréal, Canada, 2–6 October 2023.

Co-hosted by ALL-Ready partners Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and INRAE, this will be a side event within the Adaptation Futures 2023 conference in Montréal, Canada, from October 2 to 6, 2023. 

The Forum will feature discussion panels and parallel sessions of scientific papers to establish state-of-the-art practices, share lessons learned from case studies and address challenges facing the international agroecosystem living lab community.

Call for Papers coming soon! More information here.

Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023

Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023

Bolzano, Italy, 4–8 September 2023.

Organised by OpenGeoHub foundation in collaboration with Eurac Research, the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023: Connecting open EO solutions to boost European and global goals, will bring together European and global actors in the field of open-source Earth Observation applications in policy, business, research and for society.

This international event will connect project partners, including data and environmental researchers, public and private sector developers, EU decision- and policymakers, representatives from global institutions, the business sector and civil society to discuss and test solutions to the greatest challenges in geospatial applications.

Through five days featuring international keynote speakers, scientific presentations, discussions, and demonstrative workshops, the participants of the OEMC Global Workshop 2023 will explore valuable opportunities and establish tangible collaborations to improve geospatial research and application products in open-source.


Open Earth Observation and Machine Learning technology to support the European Green Deal

Earth Observations and geospatial data —and their derived information— play crucial roles in monitoring regional, national and global environmental and climate targets proposed by the ambitious European Green Deal. Practitioners and decision-makers are therefore in need of accessible, science-based tools for timely and informed decisions as well as for long-term planning, progress tracking and transparent evaluation processes. 

Open-Earth-Monitor project’s main aim is to directly support the implementation of the European Green Deal, and the European Digital Transition, the EuroGEO (Europe’s part of the Group on Earth Observations) and overall the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How? By producing and integrating a range of open-source, data-based and user-friendly tools to monitor European and global environmental trends, and for ecosystem services accounting in constant collaboration with user communities.

Submit abstract

Training Module: Streamlining the Onboarding to the EOSC Marketplace using APIs

EOSC Future Training Module

Online, 25 January 2023.

Using RESTful APIs for on-boarding new services to the EOSC Marketplace

This EOSC Future training module is intended for service providers who want to use a scripted approach to onboard, and later update, services to the EOSC portal. This is especially useful if you are managing a large number of services. 

The training module is for all potential providers from all disciplines and is applicable for providers working with a range of stakeholder groups.


Catalin Condurache, EGI Foundation
Antonis Lempesis, ATHENA RC
Michael Zouros, ATHENA RC
Konstantinos Spyrou, ATHENA RC


Thanassis Mantes, ATHENA RC

Aggeliki Gkamiliari, ATHENA RC


Part 1 – Overview about the EOSC Portal REST APIs for on-boarding new services in EOSC

Part 2 – Overview about the new functionality and the REST API

Part 3 – Hands-on/Live demo on how to use the EOSC Portal REST APIs

Register here.

Training workshop: Prototyping Privacy Policy & Terms of Use documentation for the EOSC Portal

EOSC Future Training Workshop

Online, 23 January 2023.

Following on the  December webinar on  ‘How to write Privacy Policy (PP) and Terms of Use (TOU) documentation for the EOSC Portal‘, EOSC Future is organising another hands-on online training workshop in January.

During this training workshop, service providers will have the chance to expose their prototype documents for Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. In turn, they will get advice and recommendations from our trainers.


  • this is a training workshop specifically for digital and related service providers
  • participation in the December training workshop is preferred, but not a prerequisite
  • prior to the workshop: participants should prepare their PP and TOU prototype documents following the recommendations and hints described in the December training (consult the presentation and recordings here).


Spaces are limited, so make sure to register, via the form at this link, by 17 January 2023, 17.00 CET.

RDA/EOSC Future satellite event

Eosc Future RDA

Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 March 2023.

Building blocks of Global Research Commons – Europe and beyond

On 20 March 2023 from 12–5pm CET, EOSC Future and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) are organising a satellite event in conjunction with the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden (21–23 March).

Under the heading, ‘Building blocks of Global Research Commons: Europe and beyond’, the half-day event will touch on the main issues related to practical implementation of research commons. To this end, the event will attract an international audience of key actors involved in implementing research commons at disciplinary, regional or national levels, funders, data experts, technical managers, and in general.

Panellists will open with global perspectives on implementation approaches, examining themes and challenges of assembling the main features of a research commons. The second part of the event will showcase examples of how RDA’s diverse data community are tackling challenges.

EOSC Future will also share examples, via its RDA Open Calls programme, related to the practical aspects of implementation such as:

  • interoperability
  • discovery
  • upskilling


Do you want to get a deeper understanding of the different types of global research commons and their priorities? What about examples of roadmaps and frameworks for overcoming challenges associated with global research commons as well as an understanding of research community needs? This event will provide an opportunity to learn about different approaches and examples of implementation, with the ultimate goal of supporting global coordination and alignment for such research commons.


Registration will open later in 2023.

In the meantime, you can find more information about the programme via the RDA Plenary 20 site.  

About RDA

With over 12 500 members from 145 countries, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) provides a neutral international, community-driven forum where data professionals come together to develop and adopt infrastructure that promotes data-sharing and re-use. Read more about RDA here. RDA is well-placed to contribute to developing disciplinary standards from EOSC coming from its grassroots community.

Updates on the EOSC Future website.

BioDT Webinar: Towards FAIR Digital Twins – 2nd session

Towards FAIR Digital Twins

Online, 13 February 2023.

The Biodiversity Digital Twin‘s design, implementation, and maintenance present several issues, including the linkage and integration of various data types and related computing services. Consequently, FAIR principles are extremely important, especially during the modelling and prototyping process.

Over the last few months, the BioDT team has been discussing how to understand the FAIRness of the data sources. In particular, the team engaged in improving “Quality of Data, Workflows and Models through FAIR Principles” is tasked with delivering an implementation plan for FAIR Digital Objects over the FAIR data designs of the relevant Research Infrastructures. The team is working to find gaps in understanding FAIR implementation and how it connects to BioDT, even though FAIR principles and the technological elements supporting Digital Twins are not new.

To facilitate discussions around this topic, the BioDT consortium is organising a series of online webinars to stimulate conversations around FAIR with a focus on BioDT and the digital twinning paradigm. Experts and practitioners that deal with different aspects of FAIR implementation and digital twins are invited to join to stimulate discussions that help understand FAIR implementation in a more actionable way.

The second session is taking place on 13 February at 16:00 (CET) and provides an overview of FAIR tools applicable to digital twinning

Do not hesitate to learn more about this fascinating topic by registering for free!


  • 16:00 – 16:05: Welcome and introduction
  • 16:05 – 16:35: An introduction to the FAIR Principles for Research Software
  • 16:35 – 17:00: Q&A 

BioDT Webinar: Towards FAIR Digital Twins – 1st session

Towards FAIR Digital Twins

Online, 26 January 2023.

The Biodiversity Digital Twin‘s design, implementation, and maintenance present several issues, including the linkage and integration of various data types and related computing services. Consequently, FAIR principles are extremely important, especially during the modelling and prototyping process.

Over the last few months, the BioDT team has been discussing how to understand the FAIRness of the data sources. In particular, the team engaged in improving “Quality of Data, Workflows and Models through FAIR Principles” is tasked with delivering an implementation plan for FAIR Digital Objects over the FAIR data designs of the relevant Research Infrastructures. The team is working to find gaps in understanding FAIR implementation and how it connects to BioDT, even though FAIR principles and the technological elements supporting Digital Twins are not new.

To facilitate discussions around this topic, the BioDT consortium is organising a series of online webinars to stimulate conversations around FAIR with a focus on BioDT and the digital twinning paradigm. Experts and practitioners that deal with different aspects of FAIR implementation and digital twins are invited to join to bring forward discussions that help understand FAIR implementation in a more actionable way.

The first session is taking place on 26 January at 14:00 (CET) and provides a conceptual overview of FAIR principles applicable on digital twinning

Do not hesitate to learn more about this fascinating topic by registering for free!


  • 14:00 – 14:05: Welcome and introduction
  • 14:05 – 14:35: Presentation on FAIR principles and digital twinning
  • 14:35 – 15:00: Q&A

RESTORE4Cs Kick-off Meeting


Aveiro, Portugal, 16–19 January 2023.

The kick-off meeting of the RESTORE4Cs project (modelling RESTORation of wEtlands for Carbon pathways, Climate Change mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem services, and biodiversity, Co-benefits) will take place in the third week of January at the University of Aveiro.

The main objective of RESTORE4Cs is to provide tools and methodologies, applicable beyond the lifespan of the
project, to assess pressures and impacts on the status of wetland ecosystems at various scales and relate these to the climate mitigation and adaptation potential, to biodiversity, and other ecosystem service provision, and associated co-benefits, combining social, ecologic, and economic perspectives. The project aims as well to predict restoration and management effects on GHG emission/removal, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services, while maintaining functional biodiversity through conservation and/or restoration.

Night of Science

Finnish Night of Science

Helsinki, 12 January 2023.

The Night of Science is an annual event dedicated to scientists and researchers which is celebrated in Helsinki.

The next event takes place on 12 January 2023. The programme is made up from many different organisations and actors and the multiple events offer science and research in many different forms. All free of charge!

BioDT at the Night of Science

LifeWatch ERIC is partner in the Horizon Europe project BioDT, which will feature at the event. Jesse Harrison, BioDT Project Manager and Aleksi Kallio, BioDT Leader for Digital Twin Advanced Technical Platform, are joining a panel discussion during the Finnish “Night of Science”, which is streamed nationwide. Their presentations revolve around BioDT and ClimateDT with a focus on how supercomputing can help address major environmental problems.

More information on the event website.

18th International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2023

OR 2023

South Africa, 12–15 June 2023.

The 18th International Conference on Open Repositories 2023 (OR 2023) will take place close to Stellenbosch, South Africa, from 12-15 June. The conference will be hosted by Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service. The venue of the conference will be the Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West.

For more information about previous Open Repositories conferences and their governance please visit

More details on the programme upcoming.