ALL-READY Workshop – Accelerating the Agroecology Transition


Seville, Spain / online, 11 May 2023.

The upcoming 2nd ALL-READY Project Workshop, entitled “Accelerating the Agroecology Transition: Your potential role and benefits of contributing to a European Network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures.”

 This interactive discussion session will take place on 11 May 2023, at the LifeWatch ERIC ICT-Core premises in Seville, Spain, and will also be available online as a hybrid event.

More information in our news item.

MARBEFES 2nd General Assembly


Klaipeda, Lithuania, 29–31 August 2023.

The programme of the 2nd General Assembly of the MARBEFES project (in which LifeWatch ERIC partners) offers plenty of interactions in a variety of agenda points.

There will be an interactive session with emerging researchers involved in the MARBEFES, so young colleagues of particpating partners are encouraged to participate in this event.

There will also be a poster session which will run through the whole event.

Updates on the MARBEFES website.

AgroServ Webinar: European Research Services on Agroecology

AgroServ Webinar

Online, 15 May 2023.

Ahead of its first annual conference, the Horizon Europe project AgroServ (in which LifeWatch ERIC partners) is pleased to invite you to its first webinar on European Research Services on Agroecology that will take place on 15 May 2023, 14:00 CEST via Zoom. 

This AgroServ webinar will give researchers the opportunity to connect with other practitioners interested in the field of agroecology and will extend discussions to promote the first European Research Services on Agroecology Conference and that will take place in June 2023 in Prague and online. 

Participants will learn about the AgroServ project, its agroecological services accessible via the project’s Catalogue Of Services, and how to apply to the next Call For Proposals that will be launched during AgroServ’s first annual conference taking place in Prague.

The project does not yet have a website, but you can follow the AgroServ LinkedIn page for updates!

FAIR-IMPACT Webinar: Developing Guidelines for Metadata Collection and Curation for Research Software


Online, 23 May 2023.

The aim of this FAIR-IMPACT webinar is to present a draft of the FAIR-IMPACT guidelines for the collection and curation of metadata to archive, reference, describe and cite research software. During the webinar, taking place from 10:30 – 11:30 CEST, we will request input from participants on a Q&A document and on a shared Google doc. The guidelines were developed by the FAIR-IMPACT “Standard metadata for research software” team, with joint efforts of the other partners in the FAIR-IMPACT project and the FAIRCORE4EOSC project.

Goal of the event

During the webinar, FAIR-IMPACT will show its exploration research software landscape, showcasing different guidelines and metadata vocabularies. FAIR-IMPACT will also address the need for standardised guidelines for collecting and curating metadata for all types of research objects, not only for researchers and developers but also for reviewers/moderators and publishers who handle software in their publication workflow.

The event will survey the ecosystem of scholarly infrastructures and review existing guidelines in this area, integrating feedback from the research community. 

The goal of the webinar is to foster coordination and collaboration among various relevant projects and organisations, including the EOSC Task Forces, the CodeMeta Initiative, the FORCE11 Software Implementation WG, the joint FORCE11, RDA & ReSA FAIR for Research Software WG, the RDA Software Source Code IG, and the FAIRCORE4EOSC project, to ensure that the guidelines developed by FAIR-impact are implemented in a collaborative and integrated manner.

Furthermore,the event will identify the required minimum metadata-set to archive, reference, describe and cite research software, and verify if it can be sufficiently described to answer different reuse and reproducibility use cases. Finally, FAIR-IMPACT will discuss the normalisation efforts of CodeMeta and its crosswalk table to extend interoperability, as well as exploring possible synergies with initiatives such as FAIR Computational Workflow principles and community efforts like Bioschemas.

In conclusion, this webinar will provide an overview of the guidelines for the collection and curation of metadata to archive, reference, describe and cite research software. This webinar is the only live event to contribute to the finalisation of the guidelines, due to the EU commission at the end of June 2023.

Who should attend

The larger research software community is invited to participate and provide input, including all types of stakeholders in the scholarly ecosystem.

More information on the FAIR-IMPACT website.

AgroServ European Research Services on Agroecology Conference

European Research Services on Agroecology Conference

Prague, Czech Republic / Hybrid, 5–6 June 2023.

The first annual conference on research services on agroecology will be held by AgroServ (a project in which LifeWatch ERIC is partner) from 5–6 June 2023 at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (in-person and online).

The AgroServ project uses a multi-scale approach to respond to diverse research questions; from the level of the molecule and the organism, to the large-scale from farms to entire ecosystems. Since the transition towards a sustainable and resilient agricultural system needs to consider ecological, societal and economic factors, the active involvement of practitioners and scientists from different fields is crucial.

This first edition of the AgroServ Conference will thus be devoted to the research community where it will present the diverse agroecological services accessible via AgroServ and the different facets that shape research in the emerging field of agroecology.

To promote and encourage interdisciplinary approaches to address the agroecological transition, AgroServ’s first call for Transnational Access (TNA call) to access AgroServ services will be launched during this event.

Time will be devoted to discussions and hands-on workshops to brainstorm, meet researchers from different fields and to build ideas for potential proposals.

More information will be shared soon at this link.

FAIR-IMPACT Webinar: PID best practices for complex data citation, semantic artefacts and related services

Webinar: FAIR-IMPACT’s Virtual Clinic for potential applicants to the first Open Call.

Online, 25 May 2023.

FAIR-IMPACT is organising a workshop on the topic of PIDs in complex data citation, semantic artefacts and related services. The project invites relevant projects and initiatives to provide an update on their related work and the ambition is to work together on defining community best practices on PIDs and complex data citation. The workshop will also touch upon topics of common interests around granularity, versioning and research object types. The aim is to achieve a more coherent implementation of PIDs, leading to more exact data citation and a broader and more targeted use of PIDs.

Goal of the event

To work together to define best PID practices for complex data citation, semantic artefacts and related services. The main objective is to have the workshop feed into “Defining PID practices in FAIR data management and use case” documentation being prepared by FAIR-IMPACT. Topics to cover: 

  • Managing PIDs with different types of entities, e.g. physical, digital, conceptual
  • Examples of cases where assigning PIDs in data citation workflows can be challenging
  • PIDs for semantic artefacts
  • Versioning and granularity of semantic artefacts and entities
  • PIDs for services

Who should attend

FDO Initiative, RDA Complex Citations WG or RDA Data Citations WG, RDA Data Granularity WG, AGU Data Citation Community practices. A mixed approach with the invitations. The groups listed above will be invited to join the workshop and present their work. The workshop will also be open for everyone interested. No restrictions on the amount of workshop participants.

More information on the event here.

MARBEFES & BioOcean5D BioBlitz

Marbefes Bioblitz

Sopot, Poland, 16–17 June 2023.

The aim of the MARBEFES & BioOcean5D BioBlitz is to gather as many biologists as possible for the identification of as many species as possibles and in in 24 hours in the seaside city park and coastal waters. From microbes and rotifers to fish and bats. Friday 16th is devoted to collections and observations, while Saturday 17th is the public event in the form of a scientific picnic.

Updates will be made on the MARBEFES project website.

ISC 2023

ISC 2023

Hamburg, Germany, 21–25 May 2023.

The event for High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Quantum Computing

ISC High Performance 2023 is a highly-anticipated annual event that provides a valuable opportunity for public and industry users to connect with technology developers. Taking place in Hamburg, Germany 21–25 May 2023, this year’s conference features a rich program of keynotes, tutorials, workshops, and focused sessions centered around high-performance computing, machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing.

The conference serves as an inclusive platform for participants to share insights on the successful application of HPC in science, engineering, and commerce. With its open and collaborative format, attendees can expect to engage in stimulating discussions and build meaningful connections with experts and peers from around the world.

Find more information on the official website.

BioDT at ISC 2023

BioDT partners are going to showcase the project at the ISC 2023 through:

  • a poster presentation where it is possible to meet and discover the evolution of the digital twin prototype for biodiversity research with our partners from IT4I.



Poznań, Poland, 19–23 June 2023. 

At the annual EGI conference, international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers gather to take research and innovation in data-intensive processing and analytics forward.

  • Meet the scientific communities that are at the forefront of innovation, learn about their success cases, new requirements and solutions for data discovery, access and processing, and start new collaborations
  • Help research communities and industry joining their efforts to find common solutions to data access and data spaces
  • Meet the largest community of research cloud providers in Europe and their IT strategies
  • Learn about state of the art in scientific computing in Europe and meet a large community of cloud, High-Throughput-Computing (HTC) and High Performance Computing (HPC) providers that provide core facilities to today’s European computing infrastructures 
  • Share your achievements in cutting-edge topics from distributed computing, such as federated trust and identity, data spaces, artificial intelligence, digital twins
  • Learn about the status and future of the EOSC Compute Platform during the final event of the EGI-ACE flagship project of the EGI community
  • Stay up to date with the latest technical development in cybersecurity, scientific applications, data processing and analytics, and digital twins

Join EGI2023 for the core conference days 20–22 June.

The EGI2023 Call for Posters will remain open until 15 April – email your proposal to events[@]