FAIR-IMPACT Webinar: PID best practices for complex data citation, semantic artefacts and related services

Webinar: FAIR-IMPACT’s Virtual Clinic for potential applicants to the first Open Call.

Online, 25 May 2023.

FAIR-IMPACT is organising a workshop on the topic of PIDs in complex data citation, semantic artefacts and related services. The project invites relevant projects and initiatives to provide an update on their related work and the ambition is to work together on defining community best practices on PIDs and complex data citation. The workshop will also touch upon topics of common interests around granularity, versioning and research object types. The aim is to achieve a more coherent implementation of PIDs, leading to more exact data citation and a broader and more targeted use of PIDs.

Goal of the event

To work together to define best PID practices for complex data citation, semantic artefacts and related services. The main objective is to have the workshop feed into “Defining PID practices in FAIR data management and use case” documentation being prepared by FAIR-IMPACT. Topics to cover: 

  • Managing PIDs with different types of entities, e.g. physical, digital, conceptual
  • Examples of cases where assigning PIDs in data citation workflows can be challenging
  • PIDs for semantic artefacts
  • Versioning and granularity of semantic artefacts and entities
  • PIDs for services

Who should attend

FDO Initiative, RDA Complex Citations WG or RDA Data Citations WG, RDA Data Granularity WG, AGU Data Citation Community practices. A mixed approach with the invitations. The groups listed above will be invited to join the workshop and present their work. The workshop will also be open for everyone interested. No restrictions on the amount of workshop participants.

More information on the event here.

MARBEFES & BioOcean5D BioBlitz

Marbefes Bioblitz

Sopot, Poland, 16–17 June 2023.

The aim of the MARBEFES & BioOcean5D BioBlitz is to gather as many biologists as possible for the identification of as many species as possibles and in in 24 hours in the seaside city park and coastal waters. From microbes and rotifers to fish and bats. Friday 16th is devoted to collections and observations, while Saturday 17th is the public event in the form of a scientific picnic.

Updates will be made on the MARBEFES project website.

ISC 2023

ISC 2023

Hamburg, Germany, 21–25 May 2023.

The event for High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Quantum Computing

ISC High Performance 2023 is a highly-anticipated annual event that provides a valuable opportunity for public and industry users to connect with technology developers. Taking place in Hamburg, Germany 21–25 May 2023, this year’s conference features a rich program of keynotes, tutorials, workshops, and focused sessions centered around high-performance computing, machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing.

The conference serves as an inclusive platform for participants to share insights on the successful application of HPC in science, engineering, and commerce. With its open and collaborative format, attendees can expect to engage in stimulating discussions and build meaningful connections with experts and peers from around the world.

Find more information on the official website.

BioDT at ISC 2023

BioDT partners are going to showcase the project at the ISC 2023 through:

  • a poster presentation where it is possible to meet and discover the evolution of the digital twin prototype for biodiversity research with our partners from IT4I.



Poznań, Poland, 19–23 June 2023. 

At the annual EGI conference, international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers gather to take research and innovation in data-intensive processing and analytics forward.

  • Meet the scientific communities that are at the forefront of innovation, learn about their success cases, new requirements and solutions for data discovery, access and processing, and start new collaborations
  • Help research communities and industry joining their efforts to find common solutions to data access and data spaces
  • Meet the largest community of research cloud providers in Europe and their IT strategies
  • Learn about state of the art in scientific computing in Europe and meet a large community of cloud, High-Throughput-Computing (HTC) and High Performance Computing (HPC) providers that provide core facilities to today’s European computing infrastructures 
  • Share your achievements in cutting-edge topics from distributed computing, such as federated trust and identity, data spaces, artificial intelligence, digital twins
  • Learn about the status and future of the EOSC Compute Platform during the final event of the EGI-ACE flagship project of the EGI community
  • Stay up to date with the latest technical development in cybersecurity, scientific applications, data processing and analytics, and digital twins

Join EGI2023 for the core conference days 20–22 June.

The EGI2023 Call for Posters will remain open until 15 April – email your proposal to events[@]egi.eu 

Open Science FAIR 2023

Open Science Fair 2023

Madrid, Spain, 25–27 September 2023.


Open Science FAIR 2023 – the emblematic initiative of OpenAIRE – returns to its in-person format from 25–27 September in Madrid, Spain. This year the event will be co-organised with OpenAIRE’s Spanish NOAD, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, as well as key European projects and global initiatives.

The fourth edition of the OS FAIR aims at reflecting on the future of Open Science, what lies ahead and how we can work together, pave the way and focus on charting the future of Open Science for future generations. The conference will bring together different communities and experiences from around the world to identify synergies, share good practices and develop collaborative interfaces. An exciting programme with dynamic sessions will be put together and it will include keynote speeches by distinguished speakers, roundtable discussions, workshops and training sessions, as well as demo sessions. OS FAIR will bring together perspectives from different actors and will suggest ways on how communities can work together to produce roadmaps for the implementation of Open Science.

The OS FAIR welcomes all actors of the research communities and infrastructures, including: librarians, repository managers, content providers, service providers, research administrators, facilitators of research, learned societies, publishers, policy makers and funders, citizen science groups and initiatives, and innovators in scholarly communication.

The FAIR-IMPACT project will feature at the Open Science FAIR 2023.

EOSC Symposium 2023

EOSC Symposium 2023

Madrid, Spain, 20–22 September 2023.

The EOSC Symposium 2023 will take place in Madrid in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event is organised by EOSC Future together with the EOSC Tripartite collaboration (the EOSC Association, the EOSC Steering Board and the European Commission).

Last year’s event, which took place in Prague on 14–17 November 2022, marked the EOSC Symposium’s return as an in-person event with over 400 participants. This year, the event will be fully hybrid, facilitating broader exchanges – in person and online – between stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research organisations, service providers, research e-infrastructures and research communities across Europe and beyond.

You can get a glimpse of EOSC Symposium 2022 in the event recap video here.

EOSC Symposium 2023 will offer plenty of opportunities to engage with the community. A call for application will open soon at #EOSCsymposium23 website.

Stay tuned for programme and event updates soon!


EOSC Symposium 2023: Context

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an EU flagship initiative aimed at enabling Open Science practices in Europe, as codified in the 2022-2024 European Research Area Policy Agenda. It is also recognised as the science, research and innovation data space which will be fully articulated with the other sectoral data spaces defined in the European strategy for data.

EOSC will provide a federated web of FAIR data and associated services to researchers across and outside Europe. EOSC builds on existing infrastructure and services supported by the EC, Member States and research communities. It brings these together in a federated ‘system of systems’ approach, adding value by aggregating content and enabling services to be used together.

Celebrating and calibrating Mediterranean forests

Mediterranean forests

The Mediterranean basin is the third-richest hotspot in the world in terms of plant biodiversity  and one of the greatest sources of endemic plants on Earth. Its plant diversity accounts for 25,000 plant species, 60% of which are endemic, of which more than 100 tree species are recorded in Mediterranean forests. It is estimated that the region has more than 25 million hectares of Mediterranean forests and about 50 million hectares of other Mediterranean wooded lands. The knowledge on Mediterranean forests is, however, fragmented.

To celebrate the importance of Mediterranean forest knowledge, ETC-UMA is pleased to announce the international workshop to take place in Malaga, Spain on 2 June 2023 addressing current policy, technologies and practices on Mediterranean forest data entitled “A knowledge baseline on Mediterranean forests supported by innovation”.

Co-organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Topic Centre on Spatial Analysis and Synthesis of the University of Malaga (ETC-UMA) in the frame of the ERDF-funded project EnBiC2-Lab for an Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab, this event on Mediterranean Forests and innovation aims to bring together a community of EU and Mediterranean key players to address the status of regional political and research agendas in support of forests.

The regional efforts of European projects in paving the way towards raising awareness and providing tools and solutions to consider in the post-2020 plans in the Mediterranean region will be part of the debate to ensure better protection and management of these sensitive key ecosystems, including a look into financing instruments needed for their future long-term sustainable restoration and conservation.

Check out some of the latest knowledge generated by ETC-UMA colleagues on forest types and maps:

We would be happy to welcome you to Malaga on 2 June 2023. If you are interested in attending the international workshop, please contact Virginia García.

Bioinformatics Education Summit

Bioinformatics Education Summit

UK, 15–17 May 2023.

The Bioinformatics education summit provides a platform for discussion, development and dissemination of advances, guidance and best practice for training and education in bioinformatics as part of a global network.

Held as a working meeting (rather than a conference or workshop), its goal is to promote the advancement of training and education through the development of resources, best practices and guidance for delivery, all of which are made openly available to the global community through its partner networks.

The first summit was held in Cape Town in 2019 under the auspices of H3ABioNet, with subsequent summits held virtually, hosted by different organisations with a key interest in training and education (EMBL-EBICABANA and APBionet). Outputs from previous summits have included a training guidance and resources portal (hosted by GOBLET); the third evolution of the ISCB bioinformatics competency framework and guidance on its implementation; best practices and resources for the delivery of bioinformatics training in LMICs; guidance and recommendations for virtual and hybrid course delivery; and a globally available virtual Train-the-Trainer course.

This year’s meeting will offer both in-person and virtual attendance and will focus on three main themes:

  • Furthering the use and adoption of the ISCB competency framework through extending the framework itself to include health data science roles and developing further practical support for people to use it in developing training.
  • Exploring how we can make our training and teaching more green, including improving compute practices for environmental sustainability
  • Developing and sharing best practice for building and supporting communities of best practice in training.

There will also be opportunity to further review challenges and opportunities for developing and delivering training to participants in low resource settings, as well as participating in initiatives focused on ensuring that training materials are FAIR, train-the-trainer activities, and much more.

If you are involved in the design and delivery of bioinformatics training and education and would like to spend 3 days working with a global community of trainers and educators to develop guidance and practice with impact on a global scale, then please join us!

Travel bursaries are made possible through RItrainPlus, a co-organiser of the Education Summit. The RItrainPlus project received funding from European Union’s H2020 programme under grant agreement no.101008503, and LifeWatch ERIC is a partner.

More information is available here.

AZTI SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 ‘Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems’

AZTI Summer School

San Sebastian, Spain, 5–7 June 2023.

In this edition of the AZTI Summer School, the topic proposed is “Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems“. This year, the school is organised in the framework of several Horizon Europe projects:  GES4SEASOBAMA-NEXTBiOcean5DACTNOW and MARBEFES). LifeWatch ERIC is a partner in the latter.

The main objective of the AZTI Summer School is to present the innovative tools that are already practically used in monitoring the ocean, and the tools used to assess the cumulative effects of multiple pressures, as well as the status of the ocean and the ecosystem services it provides.

WHEN: 5, 6 and 7 June 2023
WHERE: Aquarium of San Sebastian (Spain)


Early registration fee: 90,00 € (VAT included). Deadline: 20 April
Standard registration fee: 115,00 € (VAT included). From 21 April to 2 June

OntoCommons Workshop

Hybrid, 4–6 April 2023.

The ambition to facilitate data sharing and interoperability within the Materials and Manufacturing domains is the core motivation for this event. Stemming from the OntoCommons H2020 project activities, this focused workshop provides a platform for academic researchers and industrial practitioners to meet and discuss about the Materials and Manufacturing Commons* key enablers, in particular, Digital Marketplaces, FAIR Principles and Ontologies. In this workshop, the Digital Marketplaces concept and its current status of implementation will be shown in order to continue the discussion about requirements and challenges using ontologies. Tools supporting data documentation and interoperability will be showcased, and concrete challenges, success stories, as well as experiences using ontologies will be shared. A session and panel discussion on the future developments of Materials and Manufacturing Commons with focus on materials and manufacturing data spaces will round up the first part of the workshop. In the second part, the FAIR principles will be introduced and existing tools and guidelines to leverage the FAIR principles in industrial context will be identified and discussed together with experts and participants. The third day of the workshop will be dedicated to participants’ input, feedback and questions, including an open pitch session for participants. Demos of the tools provided by the ontology commons ecosystem, a virtual tour of digital marketplaces and hands-on working sessions for enhancing the FAIRness score of participants’ own ontologies will provide a tangible take-away result from the workshop. To deepen and consolidate the communication and networking between OntoCommons, the digital marketplaces, FAIR initiatives and interested users of semantic tools, this workshop is open (no registration fee) and will take place on-site at the Fraunhofer Forum Berlin (Germany).

The FAIR-IMPACT project will be showcased in Session 3: FAIR Resources for Industry.

Registration and programme information can be found on the OntoCommons website.