Science Summit at UNGA77


Hybrid, New York/Online, 13–30 September 2022.

ISC is organising the 8th edition of the UNGA77 Science Summit around the 77th United Nations General Assembly (SSUNGA77) in September 2022. This is a hybrid event with some sessions being held in New York and others online.

LifeWatch ERIC will be convening a Biodiversity Plenary with GBIF on Friday 16 September from 15:00–23:30 CEST; see our news item for more details.

The role and contribution of science to attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be the central theme of this conference. The objective is to develop and launch science collaboration to demonstrate global science mechanisms and activities to support the attainment of the UN SDGs, Agenda 2030 and Local203o.

A central theme of the UNGA77 Science Summit will be inclusiveness: a range of discussions will explore how scientific excellence can be pursued based on inclusiveness at the global level. Another theme will be exploring at the science system works: policies, regulation and funding for science stem from deep in the last century. The pandemic provides a chance to rethink and co-design a new system for science for a new set of urgent challenges. A redesign of the global science system is urgent.

A call for session proposals has been published here.

Science infrastructures and digital research capacity building are crucial to enable scientists to collaborate at an international level to create opportunities for wide-ranging initiatives that can produce innovations to respond to challenges in health, climate, environment, energy, agriculture and food, amongst other things.

EUDAT Conference 2022

EUDAT Conference 2022

This 2022, the EUDAT Conference series returns! Learn about the latest trends and developments in the field of research data management services and network with some of the most active players in the domain.

On 13–15 September, EUDAT CDI will organise its EUDAT Conference 2022 in Athens, Greece with 14–15 September as the public conference days while 13 September will be a closed side-event. As part of the conference programme, a dedicated exhibition and networking session will be introduced to encourage the establishment of new connections and promote the most innovative services and players in the field.

Who should attend and why

The event is open to all, but the following are highly encouraged to participate, such as:

  • Researchers and citizen scientists, repository and community managers to discover services for research data management, storage, preservation and sharing.
  • Actors in the EOSC community, ESFRI, science clusters, and research infrastructures to get the latest on the state of the art and use cases of some of the core services for supporting European research
  • Projects, research institutions and national and European initiatives to gain visibility and network with stakeholders to further their activities
  • Service providers to learn what EUDAT can offer from them
  • Current and prospective EUDAT users and user communities to learn about new major functionalities

Programme Preview

The full agenda will be published in the next few weeks, but here’s a sneak peek at the programme in the meantime:

September 13 (Closed Co-located Events)

September 14 (EUDAT Conference Day 1)

  • Research Data Management Challenges and Available Solutions
  • EUDAT Service Showcase & Overview
  • Research Data Exhibition & Networking Open Session

September 15 (EUDAT Conference Day 2)

  • EUDAT & DICE Use Case Session
  • Cross-Infrastructure Use Case Session
  • Collaborations, Joint Initiatives and Synergy Opportunities Workshop – eInfras, RIs, ESFRIs, EOSC
  • Co-located Event: DICE Progress Highlights


Registration is required, and full and early-bird fees will be charged. The early-bird fee is €50, which will be available while tickets last or until 15 July. The full cost fee is 90€. 

Click here to register.

DataCite Member Meeting 2022

DataCite Member Meeting 2022

Online, 22 September 2022.

As in the last two years, the DataCite Member Meeting 2022 will be virtual. We will host several virtual sessions in different time zones and languages to give you a general update on DataCite and our product roadmap. In addition, there will be training sessions and we will continue with the PID and service provider sessions.

The member meeting will be held on 22 September, 2022 from 06:00–19:00 UTC.

In this year’s meeting, for the first time, we invite participation from the wider community in all of sessions except the trainings!

  • The training sessions are only for DataCite Direct Members, Consortium Leads, Consortium Organizations and Member Only organisations.
  • All of the other sessions listed are open to the public, feel free to register.

For more information, please visit the event webpage.

1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects

FAIR Digital Objects

Leiden, Belgium, 26–28 October 2022.

Turning the Internet into a meaningful data space

Successful management, exchange and interpretation of knowledge in an ever-growing information tsunami will depend on highly automated methods dealing with combined data. This will require artificial intelligence but also robust and informative ways to store and disseminate data and metadata. Here is where one crucial concept shows up: FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs).

FAIR is about making data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable both for humans and machines. FAIR digital objects have shown key capabilities to simplify and scale the use of data across domains, increase trust in data and ease the handling of high volumes of information.

The developments are there. Now we need widespread consensus.

The 1st International Conference of FAIR Digital Objects will bring together for the first time at this scale key technical, scientific, industry, and science-policy stakeholders with the aim to boost the development and implementation of FDOs worldwide and transform the Internet into more than just a data space: into a meaningful data space.

For more information, visit the conference website.

1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup

ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup

After the fully digital High-Level Launch of the ESFRI Stakeholders Forum that took place on 24 March 2022 to mark its formal establishment, it is now finally time to meet in person and set the Stakeholders Forum deliberation and co-design processes in full motion. The 1st ESFRI Stakeholders Forum Meetup will take place on 15 September 2022 at the Royal Belgian Institute (Museum) of Natural Sciences, in Brussels, as a full day event with physical presence.

The agenda of the 1st ESFRI Stakeholder Forum Meetup will touch upon four horizontal themes: health, climate, energy and partnerships. The event will begin with a general panel discussion and will continue with interactive parallel sessions that will report and feedback into the final forum plenary.  

The ESFRI Stakeholders Forum is a newly established platform, developed by ESFRI with the ambition to instigate an open dialogue among the different European research infrastructure stakeholders, in order to reinforce the position of Research Infrastructures (RIs) as an essential pillar of the European Research Area (ERA). 

As we move towards a renewed ERA the participatory element should be applied across the ERA, including ESFRI and RIs as to position them at the heart of the research and innovation ecosystem, and closely interlinking them with different actors, such as researchers, educators, policy makers, citizens, businesses and others. The Stakeholders Forum aims to engage these actors and facilitate regular discussion among them. 

The Stakeholders Forum initiative reflects ESFRI’s intention to look beyond the traditional RI communities. The platform aims to attract stakeholders, raising their awareness across the whole research and innovation ecosystem. These stakeholders include, amongst others, decision and policymakers, municipalities, citizens, socio-economic actors, research organisations and higher education institutions with scientific communities participating in ERA activities, which are potential users of RIs. 

Please note that participation is available by invitation only.

Science Europe Open Science Conference 2022

Science Europe

Brussels, Belgium/online, 18–19 October 2022.

Science Europe is organising this conference on Open Science at an important time: the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the value of open and collaborative research, and several recent publications have driven the implementation of Open Science policies and the need to discuss shared values, principles and standards. These include the final report of the Open Science Policy Platform (2020) and UNESCO’s ‘Recommendation on Open Science’ (2021). Earlier in 2022, the Open Science Conference organised under the French Presidency of the Council of the EU, took stock of the links between various aspects of Open Science.

At this 18 and 19 October Open Science conference, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the current policy initiatives, research assessment reforms, and financial measures that support the transition to Open Science, and look forward at new trends. Participants are invited to discuss the many facets related to the transition in a highly interactive event. We will specifically cover:

  • Open Science and society, including equity
  • Open Access to all types of research outputs
  • Evolving research assessment and evaluation practices
  • Access to and use of open research infrastructures
  • Open Science policies

The goal is to bring clarity to an increasingly complex transition and sprawling number of interlinked initiatives that affect the future of the research and innovation landscape. The plenary sessions will focus on strategy and direction, and set the stage for practical, action-oriented breakout discussions. The conference will be one of the first to establish and explore equity as a key consideration in its own right when discussing Open Science.

Practical Details

The Open Science Conference will be broadcasted as a partially hybrid event live from Brussels. Participants are invited to join the plenary and breakout sessions online. Connection details will be shared with registrants closer to the event.

Visit the Open Science website for more details.

1st European Innovation Area Summit

The 1st European Innovation Area Summit is taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels on 27–29 June 2022, with a presentation from speaker and LifeWatch ERIC Gender Equality Officer, Africa G. Zanella, on 28 June at 16:00 CEST.

The 1st European Innovation Area Summit, which is organised at the time of the publication of the Commission Innovation Communication, will be a great opportunity to discuss the role and contributions of the innovation stakeholders for the implementation of Europe’s future Innovation Agenda.

The 8 Focus Areas as described in the EIA Manifesto are cornerstones of the summit programme. They are along the lines of the upcoming Communication priorities that will guide the innovation policy activities of the European Commission and the European Parliament in the years to come.

Innovation and the development of new technologies are not objectives on their own. They must have a purpose. Besides their contribution to competitiveness and technology sovereignty, they must have an impact on climate change and help preventing the collapse of the planetary ecosystems. Green transformation is the ultimate solution for a sustainable future. Deep tech, green tech, digi tech and the talents behind need to be at the heart of future innovation policies.

You can find more information on the EIA website.

Get your invitation now by signing the EIA Manifesto.

Webinar – The Biodiversity Digital Twin: a new solution to support protection and restoration of ecosystems

Online, 13 July 2022.


Understanding the forces shaping biodiversity is needed for rational management of natural resources and also to meet the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 to restore biodiversity in Europe. In particular, researchers need to be able to better predict global biodiversity dynamics and how species interact with their environment and with each other. This can be an extremely difficult task because the processes underlying biodiversity dynamics are complex. Innovative ways to combine data, models and interaction processes are required to predict these dynamics and offer solutions that promote a sustainable management of Earth’s biodiversity and its ecosystems.

In this context, the BioDT project aims to bring together a dynamic team of experts in biodiversity, High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, digital twinning and FAIR data to develop this Biodiversity Digital Twin prototype. This is going to be achieved through a cooperation between 22 partners that aim to push the current boundaries of predictive understanding of biodiversity dynamics by providing advanced modelling, simulation and prediction capabilities. By exploiting existing technologies and data from relevant research infrastructures in new ways, BioDT will be able to accurately and quantitatively model interactions between species and their environment.

About the webinar

The first BioDT webinar, taking place 10:00 – 11:00 on 13 July, presents the project’s objectives and goals, and its interaction with the LUMI Supercomputer, fundamental for building its modelling and simulation capabilities. The discussion will pave the way for the four BioDT use case groups and how their development can help scientists in predicting future trends in the biodiversity field. 

The event gives also the opportunity to meet the people behind the project and to interact with them during a poll session and a panel discussion, focussed on analysing the biodiversity role in the context of climate change and digital twin. 

Draft Agenda (all times CEST)

  • 10:00 – 10:15: BioDT: a Digital Twin for advanced simulation, modelling and simulation capabilities – Jesse Harrison, BioDT project manager & Senior Data Scientist at CSC
  • 10:15 – 10:25: High-Performance Computing as a mean to support the Digital Twin: the Lumi Supercomputer – Aleksi Kallio, BioDT Digital Twin Technical Platform Leader and Development Manager at CSC
  • 10:25 – 10:30: Interactive polls
  • 10:30 – 11:00: Panel discussion: Biodiversity in the context of climate change and digital twin: challenges and opportunities – Moderator Jeroen Broekhuijsen, BioDT Collaboration with strategic initiatives Leader and Team Lead Digital Twin at TNO (Panellists to be confirmed)
  • 11:00: Wrap-up and closureJesse Harrison, BioDT coordinator & Senior Data Scientist at CSC

>> Register for the webinar <<