What are the main challenges awaiting Data Protection Legislation for health research? How is COVID-19 pandemic affecting this?
These are the themes at the heart of the International webinar hosted, today 5 May 2020, by Intelligence in Science (ISC), on health research in the era of General Data Protection Regulation, discussing how regulations might affect the coordination of global responses and how data transfers and processing can be achieved with safety and security.
Juan Miguel González-Aranda, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Executive Board member of ERIC FORUM, was invited to join the panel on GDPR/Blockchain, Federated Machine Learning and AI. This is in fact a central niche for the distributed e-Infrastructure which, under the lead of its CTO and thanks to the effort of all ICT staff, developed the LifeBlock platform, establishing LifeWatch ERIC as the first Environmental ESFRI using Blockchain technologies for engaging, tracking and securing biodiversity and ecosystem research resources & services provision.
The webinar featured contributions from National Institutes of Health, government departments and eminent universities, while topics ranged from GDPR and Data Transfers, their implication for Horizon Europe funding opportunities, and downstream data sharing for COVID-19 research. The webinar concluded with a World View, working towards recommendations for global alignment on data protection regulation for improved health outcomes in advance of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2020.