LifeWatch Italy (https://www.lifewatchitaly.eu/) is launching a Call for Action to validate, refine, and expand the Traits Thesaurus 2.0, a comprehensive semantic artefact designed to standardise trait data and metadata for aquatic organisms, covering diverse biological groups, such as phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, macroalgae, and macrozoobenthos.
The Traits Thesaurus 2.0 builds upon, and integrates, pre-existing thesauri, originally developed within LifeWatch Italy, into a unified and structured framework. The first validated version (1.0), is already available on EcoPortal: https://ecoportal.lifewatch.eu/ontologies/TRAITS_THES.
By becoming a validator, you will:
- Contribute to trait-based research, and help standardise trait data, supporting scientific progress in aquatic ecology;
- Reduce heterogeneity in trait-based data, playing a crucial role in developing new standards for trait-based data, and improving the interoperability of trait terminologies;
- Collaborate with a network of experts;
- Receive acknowledgement of your contribution by an open-access resource that supports interoperability in trait-based research.
If you decide to join the Traits Thesaurus 2.0 pool of validators, you will review and provide feedback on specific terms and definitions included. The validation phase will last for three weeks, and after the necessary revisions, the updated thesaurus will be published.
If you want to join, fill in this form by 25 March: https://forms.office.com/e/6LGXj2TUJ2?origin=lprLink, to receive the invitation for a webinar on 26 March and learn all you need to know.