DOORS (Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea) is a €9m EU research project will link citizens, science, and industry for critical Black Sea regeneration, stimulating a new wave of ‘blue economy’ opportunities.
LifeWatch ERIC contributes to the project’s core pillars: the System of Systems, the Blue Growth accelerator and Knowledge Transfer and Training, by supporting the creation of a harmonised set of working methods for FAIR-compliant data acquisition, helping to define DOORS stakeholders, mapping their requirements to determine shared priorities and potential bottlenecks. LifeWatch ERIC also participates in communicating DOORS to stakeholders and the wider public, hand collaborates with other ERICs, defining a Black Sea action plan for research infrastructures.
DOORS is an EU Horizon 2020 project, funded under Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement No 101000518.